Customer Service

Our commitment to our customers is real. We want to you enjoy and feel comfortable at every stage of your purchase from us. We will keep you informed every step of the way

  • Placing your order - order online, via email or by phone. We will confirming receipt of your order by email as soon as possible after it is into our system.
  • How to order using NDIS funds - we are Registered NDIS Provider
  • Payments - we offer a variety of payment methods.
  • Delivery- We will arrange for the dispatch of your order within 2 business days - often sooner. Should there be a delay, we will advise you as soon as possible after your order. Our warehouses will securely package your order to protect it during delivery. We will email you a confirmation once the order has been dispatched.
  • Returns and warranty - we offer full manufacturers warranty for the unlikely situation of a product fault.