Latest News

6th Jun 2017

Beyond Coding: Launch of Sphero Edu

For all of our Sphero SPRK+ and Sphero customers - and those who are thinking of adding Sphero to their STEM kit - Sphero has just announced a great new extension to its capability and learning potent …

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27th Feb 2017

Reducing the Cost of Managing Device Fleets

For businesses and schools looking to maximise technology with mobile devices, there is one problem: so much clever technology, and the management of it all comes back to an IT Co-ordinator or Manager …

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26th Feb 2017

7 Tips for Protecting Devices in BYOD Schools

More schools are offering bring-your-own-device, or BYOD programs, for children to bring their own iPad, tablet or laptop to school to use in class. This reduces the impact on the school’s budget, but …

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