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15th Jan 2017

Guest Post: Great idea for surf skiers

I get given a lot of stuff to play with here at, and most of it is pretty good. Some of it is not so good. So this year, rather than give the paddler in your life something that will …

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22nd Oct 2016

Charging stations to end cable spaghetti

Anywhere there are more than a few devices – home, school or at work – charging stations help with recharging them all without every AC power point being taken up by a USB charger, and a trip hazard&n …

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6th Sep 2016

Tip: Quality Makes Technology Last Longer

Quality accessories means school devices last longer, so that subsequent investments are growing your fleet for more students to use, not just replacing broken devices.Of course, to be able to have de …

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5th Sep 2016

Tip: Future proof your school

Extending the value of previous investments in technology for schools relies upon the choice of good quality products that have scalability. But it also relies upon compatibility between your products …

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