

For teachers and principals, choosing mobile technology such as iPads and the accessories around them can be tricky. The benefits of technology are an educator’s specialty – enhanced learning, and new scope for engaging students and multiplying their learning – while the technology overall is often not a school’s strongest skill set. As we wrote recently for Education Technology Solutions magazine, when schools fully understand the range of options, and the important differences between them, teachers and ITC co-ordinators can choose products that are compatible, have a wide range of applications, and will simply be school-proof enough to survive too much kid-love. When funds are tight, there can be nothing worse than an expensive white elephant taking up space in the IT room. To help your school gain the benefit of the clever folk inventing and innovating on your behalf, here are some considerations to maximise technology in your school, while saving money now and in the long term.

Click here to read the full article in Education Technology Solutions (note this was written when we were known as Powered Life). Click here to read more articles on education technology from Maximise Technology.